We, INFOTEK Audio Visuals have successful launched a digital announcement system since 2005. This digital school broadcasting system meets the requirements of management and teachers to monitor the students and make announcements in the educational institution.
⦿ Absolute control on students in class rooms even in the absence of a teacher.
⦿ This system will assist you to monitor the class room without your physical presence
⦿ It enables to control panic situation which arises due to fire or any natural calamities by reaching out to students of entire institute at once.
⦿ Make contact with students as a whole to provide information without gathering them in the school ground. Conduct assembly in the class rooms in bad weather conditions. school Announcement is an essential system for the modern methods of teaching and Security in schools. Our system has been designed to enable the principal to control all the rooms and classes of the school building.
SAS-20/40/60/80...../200 is based on Digital Switching Technology, unlike electro-mechanical in conventional school broadcast systems. This creates the system very compact, easy to manage and maintains A S - has the unique feature of permitting announcements to be made from other locations such as the reception or vice principal’s office. For this facility an extension Communication Instrument is required rather than replication of the entire school broadcast console as in the case of a conventional system.
⦿ Monitor Mode - Principal can listen to the classroom conversations.
⦿ Address Mode - Principal or any other designated person can announce to selected classrooms.
⦿ All Call Mode - Facilitate to address or playback recorded message to all the rooms in the school building.
Existing class room speakers can be used. The speaker acts as a microphone at the time of monitoring. Speakers power handling capacity should be 6W. LMT fitted speakers are used for the announcement purpose. Ensure the quality of the speakers to enjoy the maximum audio quality.